A downloadable game for Linux


OLC CodeJam 2023

Hosted by javidx9 · #olcCodeJam2023


Memorize the maze and then try to navigate it in darkness.

Source code: https://github.com/Stepanium/MMM

(thanks to InfiniteCoder for instruction)

If anyone would like to play this game, on linux here is gcc command to build it:

g++ src/main.cpp -lX11 -lGL -lpthread -lpng -lpulse-simple -lpulse -lstdc++fs -std=c++17

(It's just olc PGE + audio)

If there is anyone using nix, here is the shell with all build dependencies:

shell -p gcc xorg.libX11.dev xorg.libXft xorg.libXinerama libGL libpng pulseaudio


MMM.zip 6.8 MB
src.zip 7.2 MB

Install instructions

Unzip. Run MMM file through terminal

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